Our solutions

Our solutions
Our solutions


Transport journey monitoring system GTS

The system visually monitors the vehicle's location, speed and fuel consumption in real time. The system includes speed warnings, pause/stop times and vehicle monitoring in designated areas.
  • gts
  • gts
Handling big data with high performance

With a completely new design, using BigData technology, the system will bring users an extremely wonderful experience that other Transportation journey Monitoring systems do not have. Now, users no longer have to endure slow system performance, crashes, data loss, etc.

High scalability

The transportation journey monitoring system is scalable and combined with other transportation management systems, other GPS devices such as watches, pet wearables,... to create a complete solution perfect for businesses.

Language, technology
Java, PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, BigData,...
Eclipse, Xcode, Android Studio
Windows, Linux, iOS, Android
Requirement Gathering, Analysis, System Design, Programming, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, System Installation, System Deployment
126 man-months

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Transport management system AUTOTMS

Management system for businesses in the field of freight transport.
  • autotms
  • autotms
Effective order management
  • Track order status in real time.
  • Update order information quickly and accurately
  • Efficient order processing with automated processes.
Optimal vehicle dispatch planning
  • Supports smart vehicle dispatch planning, saving time and costs.
  • Provides detailed route information for drivers and customers.
Automatic vehicle dispatch planning
  • The system automatically proposes optimal vehicle dispatch plans based on many factors.
  • Save time and effort for coordinators.
  • Improve efficiency and competitiveness for businesses.
Language, technology
Next, NodeJS, ReactJS, React Native, TypeScript, Docker, TailwindCSS,...
VS Code, Xcode, Android Studio
Windows, Linux, Android, iOS
Requirement Gathering, Analysis, System Design, Programming, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, System Installation, Performance and Load Testing, Deployment, Maintenance.
48 man-months.

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Valuation appraisal management system VAMS

VAMS is a perfect solution for organizations and individuals operating in the field of valuation. VAMS helps improve work efficiency, save time and costs, while ensuring accuracy and objectivity in the valuation process.
  • vams
  • vams
Effective process management
  • The system supports management of the entire valuation process, from receiving documents to issuing reports, ensuring accuracy unified and effective.
  • Monitor work progress in real time, allowing easy and timely management.
Effective records management
  • Service quality management SLA: System to track and monitor service quality, ensuring compliance with commitments to customers.
  • Employee performance management KPI: Employee performance evaluation system based on KPI goals, helping to improve productivity and service quality.
  • Monitor and Real-time activity statistics.
Effective information retrieval
  • Refer to prices of similar cases order.
  • Information repository: Organize storage and look up information about surrounding real estate, planning, etc.
Integrate with other systems
  • Integrate digital signatures when issuing digital certificates, ensuring legality.
  • Support integration with other systems, such as SMS sending systems, switchboards, accounting, looking up planning information, etc.
Language, technology
C#, .Net Core, TypeScript,...
VS Code, Visual Studio
Windows, Linux
Requirement Gathering, Analysis, System Design, Programming, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, System Installation, Performance and Load Testing, Deployment, Maintenance.
160 man-months.

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